The Hunt for Chiang Mai’s (Edible) Insects

Map in hand, scooter under butt. The hunt begins for what grubs Northern Thailand has to offer.

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When the friendly folks at the Siam Insect Museum denied my request to share their spider food (crickets), they at least pointed me in a direction where I might be able to sniff some out.

I won’t spoil the hunt (in the video above) but I thought it was going to be much easier to find deep fried crickets in Thailand that it has been, or any edible insects for that matter. For the “Insect Eating Captial of the World”, there sure is a lack of insect eating going on in Thailand. My usual question, “Do you know where I can find insects to eat?” is often followed by a squinched face of disgust. If I’m lucky I’ll get a general direction where I might be able to find some.

See the bounty of my hunt

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